Crisis Support – food, medical scripts and other essential supports
Struggling to meet your basic needs? Feeling overwhelmed? Not sure what to do? Our Crisis Support (Emergency Relief) services can help. We help by addressing the immediate crisis. The type of support you receive differs depending on your situation.
Please call 02 6293 6500 to make a crisis support appointment in Gungahlin or Tuggeranong. You can also use the Get in Touch form (click here) to reach out.
How Do We Help with Immediate Needs?
Depending on your situation we can help with:
- Food and hygiene items
- Support with energy bills (ActewAGL, Red Energy, and Origin)*
- Support with paying for medical scripts*
- Bus tickets
- Access to showers and shower packs
- Phone charging and phone use
- Formal clothing for interviews, funerals, and other important events (click here)
- Information and referrals to other support services
*Conditions apply
Please note, we are unable to provide in-home services, case management, counselling or ongoing subsidy and support.
Who Do We Help?
There are no eligibility criteria to access crisis support (except that you must be living or working in the ACT). Our services are not subject to means testing and you do not have to have a concession card to access our services.
At Communities at Work, we welcome everyone, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds, people with disabilities, and members of the LGBTQI+ community!
Contact Information and Accessing Support
Our crisis support services are available by appointment only. To access Crisis Support, please make an appointment by calling 02 6293 6500 or using the Get In Touch form here.
Crisis Support Opening Hours
Mondays: 12:30pm to 3pm
Tuesdays – Fridays: 9.00am to 3pm (closed 11.30am – 12:30pm)
Weekends and Public Holidays: Closed
Crisis Support Resources
Visit the VolunteeringACT website or their Community Info Hub in Civic for information guides on meals/food, showers and laundry services.
Other Useful Contacts
- Emergency – Police, Ambulance, Fire 000
- Police (non urgent) 131 444
- Canberra Hospital 51240000
- Calvary Hospital 6245 3100
- OneLink 1800176468
- Domestic Violence Crisis Service: 6280 0900
- Men’s Line 1300 789 978
- Lifeline 13 11 14
- Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636
Where we are
Communities at Work Gungahlin
Gungahlin Community Centre
47 Ernest Cavanagh Street
Communities at Work Tuggeranong
Tuggeranong Community Centre
245 Cowlishaw Street