95% Discount on Childcare Gap Fees for Educators
Communities at Work are now offering 95% discount on childcare gap fees for their educators to make childcare more affordable and retain their quality workforce.

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From 1 March 2022, Communities at Work has reduced fees by 95% for educators employed in their Early Education and Care and Out of School Hours Care services, who have children enrolled in one of their services.
Communities at Work has been actively advocating for this change and are pleased to offer the maximum discount of 95% off gap fees for Communities at Work’s educators. “People are at the heart of everything we do at Communities at Work and we are very happy that we are able to provide this discount, which will support educators with children enrolled in our services to continue to deliver essential high quality education and care to children,” said Lee Maiden, Communities at Work CEO.
“Our educators play an incredibly vital role in the development and future success of children. Communities at Work recognises their importance and deeply values their contribution.”
Kellie Stewart, Communities at Work’s Director of Children’s Services, welcomed the announcement, which will assist Communities at Work attract and retain their vital children’s services workforce. “We were experiencing a workforce shortage, made worse by the COVID-19 pandemic. This announcement will assist us to retain qualified educators, attract new educators to the sector and give part-time educators with children an opportunity to work additional days now that the cost of care for their children is significantly reduced.”
Read the full media release here.