Clothing Support – Job Interviews, Court, Funeral etc.
Need clothes for a job interview, funeral, court, or another important event and can't afford them? Our clothing program can help.
Please call 6293 6500 to make an appointment for our clothing program.
Free Work Clothes Or Clothes for Important Occasions
Our clothing program provides people in need with free clothes, shoes and accessories for job interviews, funerals, court and other important or formal events.
Whether you’re unemployed, on a low income, or are just going through a hard time, we want to assist you in helping you feel like you belong, take that step out of unemployment, or feel respected in the space you’re going in to. Dressing the part might help!
To access our clothing program, please book an appointment via Get in Touch, or arrange through your recruitment agency, Return to Work program or community organisation.
We welcome the opportunity to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders as well as people from diverse backgrounds.
Hear it from our clients
“I was living in my car, knowing that once I got a job, things would change. I did get a job, but none of my work clothes fit because I had been eating differently and I think stress took a toll on my body.
I went to Communities at Work, even had a shower and a hot meal, and got free work clothes that fit so I could be comfortable in my new job. I was so relieved – I didn’t want to be judged at my new job, I wanted to fit in, and now I could.”
(Clothing Program client)
Operations and Contact Information
Please note that our clothing program is accessible by appointment only. Please call us on 02 6293 6500 or submit a website enquiry through the Get in Touch form here.
If you’re looking to donate clothes to our clothing program, please visit our Donate Clothes page for information on drop off points and further details.
If you’re looking for our Op Shop – The Best Dressed Store – please visit this page here.
New Clothing Program location:
Communities at Work Griffith
Best Dressed Store
Ground Floor, Endeavour House
1 Franklin Street, Griffith
(opposite the Coles underground carpark entrance).