Food Support – Community Pantry

If you have difficulties paying for groceries, visit our pantries for discounted food and other essentials. In an immediate crisis and unable to buy food? Click here for more information.

What is a Community Pantry?

If you’re struggling or experiencing hardship, visit our pantries to buy/access affordable basic food and personal care items such as cleaning products, hygiene items and toiletries. Our community pantries are reliable and predictable. You’ll always find something to eat, cook or use at home. Our friendly staff and volunteers provide a welcoming and safe environment. We don’t judge or question. We stock our pantries through weekly food collections from local grocery stores, and donations from SecondBite, Ozharvest, Share the Dignity and the community. We also purchase and receive donations from Foodbank ACT/NSW.

Normal Operating Hours (both pantries):

Mondays: 12:30 pm to 3 pm

Tue-Fridays: 9.00 am to 11.30 am; then 12:30 pm to 3 pm 



Who Can Use Our Pantries? 

We provide support to individuals and families in the Capital Region and help people with a range of different circumstances, for example: 

  • People with a fixed income who struggle because of the high cost of living. 
  • People who need to access affordable food for short periods of time because of unexpected bills or expenses. 
  • People who are experiencing homelessness. Our pantries welcome everyone, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds, people with disabilities, and members of the LGBTQI+ community!


How to Shop at our Pantries 

To shop at our pantries, you’ll need to fill out a registration form. You don’t need an appointment to register. Just walk in and bring Identification. One of our friendly volunteers will show you around the pantry and explain how everything works.  

You can use our pantries in different ways: 

  • Spend a small amount to buy food and access free items. 
  • Use up to two Foodbank cards given to you by another community organisation. 
  • Make a Crisis Support appointment and get help with free pantry items. 

We accept cash, Eftpos and Foodbank cards. 




Pantry Opening Hours 

Mondays: 12:30pm to 3pm 

Tuesdays – Fridays: 9.00am to 3pm (closed 11.30am – 12:30pm)  

Weekends and Public Holidays: Closed 


Where We Are 

Communities at Work Gungahlin 

Gungahlin Community Centre 

47 Ernest Cavanagh Street  


Get Directions

Communities at Work Tuggeranong 

Tuggeranong Community Centre  

245 Cowlishaw Street  


Get Directions


Want to Support Our Pantries? 

Our pantries rely heavily on community support. Here are 3 ways you can help: 

  1. Donate Money to our Pantries  
  2. Donate Food to our Pantries    
  3. Volunteer in our Pantries  


History of our Pantries 

Our Community Pantries have been supporting people in need for over 10 years. The program launched in May 2012 at the Tuggeranong Community Centre and was originally known as the Care & Share Food & Assistance Program. In November 2012, our second Pantry opened at the Nqunnawal Community Centre, and later moved to the Gungahlin Community Centre. From the program’s launch, our Community Pantries have grown to become a major and trusted support for those who need it in the Canberra Region. 


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