Community Development
Our Community Development program is working to build more connected communities by partnering with groups, individuals, other organisations, ACT government and local businesses, to activate and implement community-inspired initiatives. We have a focus on Asset Based Community Development (ABCD), which helps to highlight the strengths, skills, knowledge, and assets of a community. We walk alongside to support the development of community building initiatives with meaningful and lasting outcomes, and where possible we provide mentoring, resources and marketing support.
For upcoming activities and events for the community, visit our Community Activities and Events page.
Contact Us
Please get in touch with the team at or (02) 6123 4450.
The team look forward to hearing from you to explore new opportunities and we are also happy to chat on our Facebook page!
Connecting Communities
The Community Development team’s focus is to strengthen communities through connecting individuals, groups, agencies and organisations. Through these partnerships, we strive to uncover inclusive, collaborative and ongoing opportunities.
To support the development of best outcomes for community, we aim to:
- Identify and understand community strengths, interests and desires through formal and informal research
- Foster networks and alliances to build collaborative partnerships
- Listen, provide guidance and participate in community led activities
- Co-design community-driven projects that engage, encourage and empower residents
- Create inviting spaces through placemaking
- Inspire and promote community led activities that encourage connection, participation and contribution to community life
- Enhance community cohesion.
The CD Program works closely with other community partners and ACT Government on a variety of community building initiatives that enable residents to connect with each other and build networks and resilience as foundations for growth. Find out more about our initiatives with new and emerging communities, here.
“Strong communities are created when citizens are the producers of their own future. They cannot be replaced. No professional, institution, business or government can substitute for the power, creativity or relevance of productive citizens.”
– Mike Green
ABCD Masterclass Content
On 14 October 2022, 18 representatives from the community sector, students and community volunteers attended the Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) Masterclass, developed by Communities at Work, Community Development program, in partnership with Bank of I.D.E.A.S. The all-day workshop was facilitated by Peter Kenyon (Bank of I.D.E.A.S.) who is recognised both nationally and internationally for his work in the field of ABCD.
The focus of this workshop was how we can re-engage as a community and reactivate our community connections, post COVID. Communities at Work saw this workshop as an opportunity to start the conversation and consider possibilities moving forward.
Besides the workshop the Community Development program also organised opportunities for one-on-one sessions with Peter Kenyon. These sessions had real impact for participants, feedback received indicated these sessions were meaningful.
Download the ABCD Booklet
ABCD One on One Session – Testimonial
”My time with Peter Kenyon was time well spent, he had a clear idea of how our organisation fitted into the Community Development world, which was what I needed to know. ”
“Speaking with Peter provided great insight into the power of the ABCD approach to community development to be transformative in and for our community. Peter was able to provide several examples and case studies as well as some suggestions for ABCD in action in the Canberra community. It was not just inspirational, but actionable.”
“Thank you again for arranging for us to meet with Peter last week, our session with Peter was incredibly insightful. We appreciated that Peter was able to give up some of his time to share his experiences and knowledge, which have inspired us to think differently about our approach to community engagement. “
Building strong, cohesive and resilient communities begins with sharing your gifts. Everyone has something to contribute in the way of gifts and assets to their community.
“In every community, something works. Instead of asking ‘What’s wrong and how to fix it, ask What’s strong, what’s worked, and how do we get more of it?’ It generates hope, energy and creativity.”
– Peter Kenyon
Ask yourself in the following order:
What can community members do for themselves without outside help
What can community members do for themselves with a little outside help
What help do community members want from outside agents (a decision to be made collectively once local assets are in place and mobilised).
-John McKnight & Cormac Russell