New women’s workshop supported by Community Development


Communities at Work is proud to support a new initiative for women to connect and create each month, hosted by local artist and maker Sally Holliday.

It’s so vital to carve out time and space for creative expression. Without it we can feel blocked and disconnected.

This is a safe, supportive space to unwind, and there’s no pressure to perform or achieve. So come and enjoy a cup of tea and some inspiring conversation.

Where: Communities at Work, Gungahlin Community Centre, 47 Ernest Cavanagh Street, Gungahlin

When: 6 – 8pm, on the first Wednesday of the month

Dates: 6 September, 4 October and 1 November

Cost: Gold coin donation appreciated

This is not a formal class, but rather a space in which to create in the company of others.
It’s an exchange of ideas, a place to play.

It is envisaged this will become a self-sustaining group, co-created of, by and for its participants.

Over time, we will build an inventory of creative skills we would like to learn or can teach others.

Spaces are limited so please RSVP via email to

We look forward to welcoming you into the circle.


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