The Twisty Science Show

Recently, the Twisty Science Show brought an engaging and educational experience on the topic, “What makes you unique?” Chloe, our guide for the day, not only shared a story with Family Day Care educators and children but also organised an exciting science activity.
A fun way of learning about science:
Chloe’s approach makes science enjoyable and educational. Children had the opportunity to create a model of a DNA strand using pipe cleaners and pom-poms. This prompted discussions about what makes each person special and the source of their DNA – Mum and Dad, naturally!
Banana DNA Extraction
Children could dress as a scientist, complete with lab coats and safety glasses. Chloe helped them mash banana in a sealable bag with a mixture of washing-up liquid and salt. The DNA was then separated from the mashed banana using a coffee strainer.
Educators added wiping alcohol to the test tube to release the banana DNA. Children collected the DNA in a specimen tube to take home. Apparently, the banana DNA looked like snot!
If you want to try this at home, Chloe provided an instruction sheet on extracting DNA from a strawberry.